A reference list of literature that may interest you
Literature list in not in any specific order.
These are books and sources that we have found interesting and somehow relevant.
The main paths are:
- 1. Galileo Galilei: Optical measurements and gravity fall tests.
- 2. Isaac Newton: Gravity, two bodies interaction.
- 3. Albert Einstein: Special relativity, General relativity
- Our approach to this point has started from Newton, continued to Galilei and finally we found Einsteins relativity.
Bibliography list
[1] David Whitehouse: Renaissance Genius:Galileo Galilei & his legacy to modern science
- Sterling – 2009 – ISBN 978-1-4027-6977-1
- chapter 3: The perspiculum
- chapter 4: The Starry Messenger
[2] Raino Lehti: Sidereus Nuncius
- Ursa Ry, 1999
- ISBN 951-9269-95-5
- Eye glass p.25, p.166-173
[3] Lehti, Markkanen, Rydman: Isaac Newton – jättiläisen hartioilla
- Ursa Ry 1988, ISBN 951-9269-41-X
- Rauno Lehti:
- Newtonin dynamiikka Principian ensimmäisessä kirjassa
- Maailmansysteemin esitys Principian kolmannessa kirjassa
- Mauri Valtonen: Painovoiman kiehtova maailma
- Ilkka Niiniluoto: Tieteellisen tradition nousu ja tuho
[4] Isaac Newton: The Principia
- Snowball Publishing, 2010
- ISBN 978-1-60796-240-3
[5] Kaarle ja Riitta Kurki-Suonio: Vuorovaikuttavat kappaleet: Mekaniikan perusteet
- Limes, 5. printing, 2000
- ISBN 951-745-167-9
[6] Hannu Karttunen, Karl Johan Donner, Pekka Kröger, Heikki Oja, Markku Poutanen :Tähtitieteen perusteet
- 5. laitos, Ursa, 2010
- ISBN 978-952-5329-82-7
[7] YLE Radio 1: Radioraattori 28.6.2010 klo 17:20 Jukka Maalampi
[8] Jukka Maalampi: Maailmanviiva: Albert Einstein ja moderni fysiikka
- Ursa 2006, ISBN-10 952-5329-51-8, ISBN-13 978-952-5329-51-3
[9] Kari Enqvist: Suhteellisuusteoriaa runoilijoille
- WSOY ISBN 978-951-0-30082-4
- Mutta onko valon nopeus varmasti vakio?
- Miksi juuri Anssi?
[10] Christofer Cronström, Pertti Lipas: Johdatus sähködynamiikkaan ja suhteellisuusteoriaan
- 1. printing, 2000 Limes Ry
- ISBN 951-745-187-3
[11] Juha-Pekka Pellonpää: Teoreettinen mekaniikka
- Kevätlukukausi 2007, Turun yliopisto
[12] Petri Mutka: Johdatus suhteellisuusteoriaan
- 763102P, Oulun yliopisto, Fysikaalisten tieteiden laitos, 2005
[13] Hyperphysics by Dr. Rod Nave
- Georgia State University
- 1.
[14] Stephen Hawking, Leonard Mlodinow: Ajan lyhyempi historia
- 2. printing, 2010 WSOY
- ISBN 978-951-0-33523
[15]Charles W.Misner, Kip S.Thorne and John A.Wheeler:Gravitation
- W.H.Freeman and conpany
- 27.printing
- ISBN-13: 978-0-7167-0334-1 / ISBN-10: 0-7167-0334-3
- ISBN-13: 978-0-7167-03340 / ISBN-10: 0-7167-0334-0 (pbk)
[16] Leopold Infeld with his 60th birthday: Recent developments in general relativity
- PWN - Polish Scientific Publishers
- Pergamon Press
- Library of Congress Card Number 62-9878
[17] By Albert Einstein Translated by Robert W.Lawson : Relativity
- New print edition, 2012 Ancient Wisdom Publication
- ISBN 978-1-936690-01-5
[18] Albert Einstein: Relativity
- BN Publishing
- ISBN 9-5695690-69
[19]Stephen Hawking: The Universe in a nutshell
- 2001 Bantam Press
- ISBN 978 0593 048153
[20]Stephen Hawking, Leonard Mlodinow: Ajan lyhyempi historia
- 2. printing, 2010 WSOY
- ISBN 978-951-0-33523-9
[21]Stephen Hawking: The Universe in a nutshell
- 2001 Bantam Press
- ISBN 978 0593 048153
[22]Stephen Hawking: A brief history of time
- 1988 Bantam Press
- ISBN 978-0-553-17521-9
[23]Stephen Hawking: A brief history of time
- 2008 Bantam Press
- With Leonard Mlodinow
- ISBN 978-0-593-05697-4
[24]A.Einstein,H.A.Lorentz, H.Weyl, H.Minkowski: The principle of relativity
- Unaltered, unabridged reprint op 1923 translation
- 1952 Dover
- Translated by W.Perrett and G.B.Jeffery. Notes by A.Sommerfeld
- ISBN-13:978-0-486-60081-9
- ISBN-10:0-486-60081-5
[25]David Bodanis: E=mc²
- 2. printing 2000 Tammi
- Translated by Ilkka Rekiaro
- ISBN 951-31-2479-7
[26]Eva Isaksson et al: Albert Einstein-tutkija ja ihminen
- 2. printing 1979 URSA
- Editors: Heikki Oja and Osmi Vilhu
- Writers: Eva Isaksson, Jorma K.Miettinen, Toivo Jaakkola, Tapani Perko, Raimo Keskinen, Stig Stenholm,
Eckhard Kreisel, Pekka Teerikorpi, K.V.Laurikainen, Osmi Vilhu
- ISBN 951-9269-07-X
[27]Brian Cox, Jeff Forshaw: why does E=mc²
- 2009 Da Capo Press
- ISBN 978-0-306-81911-7
[28]James Gleik: Isaac Newton
- 2003 Vintage books
- ISBN 978-1-4000-3295-2
[29]Isaac Newton: The Principia
- 2010 Snowball publishing
- ISBN 978-1-60796-240-3
[30]David Berlinski: Newton's gift
- 2000 Touchstone
- ISBN 978-0-7432-1776-7
[31]Galileo Galilei: The essential Galileo
- 2008 Hackett Publishing
- Edited and translated by Maurice A. Finocchiaro
- ISBN-13: 978-0-87220-937-4
[32]A.Rupert Hall: From Galileo to Newton
- 1981 Dover Publishing
- Orginally published by Harper & Row 1963 as Volume III in the series The Rice of Modern Science
- ISBN: 978-0-486-24227-7
[33]G.J.Whitrow: Time of History (Ajan historia)
- 1988 Oxford University Press
- chapter 12: digital clock, computer and time, transistor reaction time
- Finnish translation by Anto Leikola Ajan Historia ISBN: 951-884-234-5
Kiihtyvyys nopeus painovoima heilahdus heilunta takaisin kytketty liikkeen tunnistus ohjaus