Two or more observers and simultaneity

Kaksi taikka usempi havaitsija (kamera), kohteesta heijastuvat yhdensuuntaiset valonsäteet ja tapahtuman samanaikaisuus

Optic motion detection

Picture 1:Event, two observers and machine vision control system

Detect object position in Minkowski coordinate

Event (112) and two observers (101 and 108)

101=observer 1 (camera), 102=observer 2 (camera), 112=light reflecting event on objects surface, 113=light waves (info about the event), 121,122=zoom cam lens, 123,124=zoom lens position control

Gravity related motion detection with two or more observers

What is event? How to control motion with two or more vision systems. The speed of light c=299 792 458 m/s is in the air v=c/1,0003 m/s (=99,97%*c). Todays computers processors have over 3GHz clock frequency, several cores and multi task enviroment. This makes clock frequency length less than 100 mm with the speed of light c. Computer programs can not use single clock frequency directly but this exchange ratio give us a small hint about those huge numbers. Important is to take one step forward to more accurate close loop motion control.

Generally speaking relativity theory get closer to Newtonian theory when speed v is small. This can be seen if we use β as first argument.

Picture 2:β, speed relation to speed of light


β coefficient

When motion speed v is small, beta will get closer zero (0).

When speed is near speed of light c, β will get closer one (1).

Time and distance difference between different speed traveling observers should be calculated according Lorentz factor γ:

Picture 3:γ, Lorentz factor, relativity factor


γ coefficient

When motion speed v is small, γ will get closer one (1). This means similiar to Newtonian but still space, time and distancies are according general relativity which is known as more accurate and correct world system.

When speed is near speed of light c, β will get closer infinity (∞).

The use of time and distance relativity come more important with speeds [v] which get closer the speed of light [c].

Here we keep important to use relative theory, both special and general theory for remote motion detection.

Special theory's electromanetic wave motion transfer paralell information [113] the fastest way of any.

General theory states that the space is curved. Gravitation is universal and the weakest force.

    Force-carrying particles in the physics:

  • 1. Gravitational force. Every particle feels the force of gravity according its mass or energy.
  • 2. Electromagnetic force. Interact with electrically charged particles. 10^42 times bigger than gravitational force.
  • 3. Weak nuclear force. Responsible for radioactivity.
  • 4. Strong nuclear force. The strongest force. Keep quarks together.

To measure gravitational force dependent forcies more accurate, we need the good remote bodies positioning. We can adjust motion under weak gravitational force with strong electromagnet force with optical closed loop motion control by using remote motions measured speed [v] when distance is known without using any Newton's gravity acceleration constant g.


Distance and time realativity study use muon know lifetime (2200 nano seconds) as a time reference. When muon hits to object surfice, we asume that muons parts reflect out back to space with a speed of light in the air. In the air speed of light is effected by refraction index 1,0003 so that v=99,97*c.

Picture 3:Muon hits on a objects surfice and causes 'lightning'

Fig. 9

Hypothetic idea of muon and light

This study takes a muon [107] and puts first a observer [101] to muons birth level [S1]. When should observer [101] take a picture on light sensitive cell [95] of incident [112] when a muon [107] hit to object [114]? Or if we take a picture with the observer [101], when was this muon was born because of cosmic radiation? How distant we should set observer [101,102,108] if we would take a picture after the same time [Table 1: T0] from muons [107] birth when we asume that paralell light wave information [113] would have its own timer which runs slower as ours? NOTICE: vmax refers only to Galilei-Newton's theory of gravity. Optical closed loop motion measurement technology do not use gravity acceleration constant 'g' for any motion measurements!

A short study of relativity based on the facts known about muon how they act according special relativity

    Table 1 row descriptions

  • Row 1: In the Newton's absolute space and time
  • Row 2: When approaching towards incident [112] with speed of muon (98%*c)
  • Row 3: When diverge from incident [112] with a speed of almost of speed of light (99,97%*c) in the air
  • row 4: Incident [112] and observer [100,101,108] locate in the same coordinate system

Table 1:Relativity in the respect of Muons life

Table 1

γ coefficient between 1 and 40,828

Relative time[column 5] and distance [column 8]. From incident reflecting paralel light waves carry information which must be static. Light waves do not have mass and they travel in the air with a maximum speed of 99,97%*c.

See Muon

Muon has a mass when light is massless.

This study was first done to check whether reflecting information [113] would have its own age or not.

This is not possible because light do not have mass and it has not internal timer, lifetime or such element. When a observer [100,101,108] has received information in a form of light waves [113], this information is static to time and place to the reflecting point [112] in the observer's [100,101,108] coordinate system.

As young Einsteing as a student was wondering if a man could ride on light beam. He got to the conclution that this was not possible.

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